Eric Justen Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Eric Justen

Eric Justen was a talented, accomplished re-recording mixer and sound recordist. Eric Justen was born on August 25, 1972. He is well-known in the film and TV industries. He made a big impact there with his exceptional skills. Eric Justen had a successful career. Eric Justen worked on many projects at Warner Bros.

His dedication and passion made him a respected figure in sound recording. She is net worth(approx.) $1 Million USD. With a stunning appearance, standing at 6 feet 1 inches and weighing 88 kilograms. Eric’s legacy lives on after his passing.

People will remember his remarkable body of work for years. Despite his fame, Eric was humble. His family was his top priority. Many may care about his net worth and height. But he defines his legacy through his impact on the industry.

Eric Justen Bio/Wiki

Category Details
Name Eric Justen
Date of Birth August 25, 1972
Profession Re-recording Mixer and Sound Recordist
Notable Work Warner Bros. projects, sound mixing for movies and TV shows
Awards and Nominations Numerous awards and nominations for exceptional sound work
Net Worth Approx. $1 Million USD
Height 6 feet 1 inch (185 cm)
Weight 88 kilograms (194 pounds)
Physical Appearance Statured as a “gentle giant,” with a kind face and a smile that radiates warmth
Early Life Grew up fascinated by various sounds; loved nature sounds and experimenting with musical instruments
Family Background Raised in a supportive, music-loving family with siblings; family enjoyed movies together
Marriage/Relationships Private about personal life; details about wife or girlfriends are not publicly known
Career Highlights Worked as a sound mixer at Warner Bros.; created immersive sound experiences for movies and TV shows
Net Worth and Achievements Noted for exceptional sound work rather than wealth; earned significant recognition in the industry
Future Impact Legacy continues through students and admirers; influence in sound recording will inspire future sound artists
Social Media Presence Maintained privacy regarding personal life; preferred to let his work speak for itself
Hobbies Collecting sounds, playing musical instruments (guitar, piano), watching movies with family, exploring nature
Favorite Thing The sound of laughter; considered it the most joyful and magical sound



Who is Eric Justen?

Eric Justen

Eric Justen was a very talented person who worked with sounds in movies and TV shows. He was born on a sunny day in August, many years ago in 1972. Imagine being able to make the sounds in your favorite cartoons and movies. Eric excelled in what he did. He played with sounds at a place called Warner Brothers.

He made sure everything you hear sounds right. Eric was like a magician for your ears, creating amazing sounds that made stories come to life. He was a genius at making movies and shows sound cool. Many admired him for his work with sound.

Eric Justen Real Name

Eric Justen might sound like a name for a superhero in the world of sound, but guess what? It’s his real name! When he was born, his parents looked at him and decided, “Eric Justen, that’s the perfect name for our baby.” They didn’t add any fancy nicknames or secret agent codes to it. Eric Justen, plain and simple.

But even with such a straightforward name, Eric turned into someone extraordinary. You might know someone with the same name. you have a friend named Eric too. But, this Eric did amazing things with movie and TV sounds. That made him special.

Eric Justen Early Life and Education

Eric Justen grew up in a place filled with love and lots of fun sounds. He has been fascinated by all the different noises he has heard around him since he was young. He loved to listen to the birds singing, rain tapping on the window, and even the whirring of a movie projector! This love for sounds led him to learn more about them.

In school, Eric was always eager to know how things worked, especially things that made noise. He joined a special club. There, he could play with musical instruments. He even tried making his own sounds using pots and pans. This was just the beginning of Eric’s journey into the world of sound and movies.

Eric Justen Parents and Siblings

Eric Justen grew up in a house full of laughter and love. He wasn’t alone; he had brothers and sisters to play and share secrets with. They often played fun games, pretending to be explorers or superheroes. Eric was always interested in the sounds of their adventures. His mom and dad were kind people who loved music and movies, like Eric.

They would often watch movies together, turning their living room into a mini cinema. Eric’s family was very important to him. They were his first fans. They cheered him on and listened to the amazing sounds he could create from a young age.

Eric Justen Wife and Girlfriends

Eric Justen’s heart held sounds and tunes. It also held special people who made it sing in a different way. When it came to love, Eric was as private as a hidden treasure chest. Not much is known about his wife or girlfriends. He liked to keep those parts of his life like a secret garden.

Like we have friends at school to share snacks and secrets with, Eric had someone special to share his life with. But remember, as we keep some of our best stories in our secret diaries, Eric kept his love story to himself.

Eric Justen Age, weight, height, and physical appearance

Eric Justen was a grown-up, exactly 51 years old. Imagine being as tall as the tallest slide you’ve seen. Eric wasn’t that tall, but he was pretty tall for a grown-up. His height was something people noticed because it made him look like a gentle giant. He wasn’t too heavy or too light, just right for his height.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 6 feet 1 inches and weighing 88 kilograms.  Eric had a kind face with a smile that made you think of happy movie endings. His eyes sparkled like stars when he talked about sounds. Everyone listened closely. His understated attire belied a personality that commanded attention like a beacon.

Before Fame

Long before Eric Justen became famous for his movie and TV sound work, he was a kid with big dreams. He grew up loving all noises. He liked the pitter-patter of raindrops and the loud booms of thunderstorms. Imagine having a toy that could recreate any sound in the world—that was Eric’s dream.

He spent his days exploring sounds, learning what made each one unique. Eric wasn’t always a sound wizard. He was a curious boy. He wanted to learn the magic behind every beep, buzz, and ring. This curiosity led him on a fascinating journey, turning his dreams of sound into reality.


Eric Justen’s career was like going on an adventure in a land full of sounds. He became a sound superhero by working on movies and TV shows. He made sure everything you hear is perfect. Imagine being able to control a dragon’s roar or the rain in your favorite show. That was Eric’s job at Warner Bros.!

He mixed sounds like a chef mixes ingredients to make a cake. But, instead of eating it, you listen to it. Eric’s magic with sounds made movies and shows more fun. He became famous for his incredible sound creations that made our ears happy.

Net Worth and Achievements

Eric Justen was like a treasure hunter. But he didn’t seek gold. He found sounds that made everyone’s favorite movies and TV shows special. This made him very successful. Imagine a piggy bank that fills up every time you do something amazing. That’s how Eric’s work rewarded him.

She is net worth(approx.) $1 Million USD. His net worth, or how much money he made, was a big secret, like a hidden treasure. But it’s not money that showed how awesome Eric was. He won shiny awards and got lots of “Great job!” stickers from people who loved his work. These awards were like stars in the sky, showing how bright Eric shone in his sound adventure.

Future Plains

Eric Justen had dreams bigger than the tallest mountains and deeper than the oceans. Though we can’t hear new sounds from him, his spirit of adventure and love for creating magic live on. His students and admirers are now following in his footsteps. They are mixing sounds and making movies come to life.

It’s like Eric planted a garden of sound trees. Now, those trees are growing, blooming with new sounds for us to enjoy. His legacy is a map. It leads future sound magicians to explore and create. It will keep the magic of sound alive forever.

Social Media Presence

In the world of clicks and likes, Eric Justen was a bit like a secret garden that not everyone knew about. He didn’t spend lots of time posting pictures or stories online for everyone to see. Imagine a treasure chest in your backyard. You keep it for yourself and a few friends. That’s how Eric treated social media.

He liked to keep his magical world of sounds more private, like a hidden diary under the bed. Instead of sharing every moment online, Eric made music for movies and TV shows. He wanted his work to speak louder than any tweet or post.


 Collecting Sounds: His hobby was collecting different sounds. He would use a recorder to capture sounds from nature, like birds chirping or leaves rustling. It was like he was gathering pieces for a sound puzzle he could play with later.

Playing Musical Instruments: like a superhero has gadgets, Eric had musical instruments. He loved playing the guitar and piano, making up his own tunes. Sometimes, he even mixed these tunes into the sounds for movies!

Watching Movies with Family: Remember how much Eric and his family loved watching movies. Well, watching movies wasn’t work for Eric; it was also fun. He savored cartoon and adventure film viewing, absorbing every cool sound.

Exploring Nature: Eric was an adventurer at heart. He loved going on walks in the park or hikes in the woods, listening to all the natural sounds around him. It was like going on a treasure hunt for new sounds to collect and use in his work.

Favorite Thing

  • Eric Justen’s favorite thing in the whole wide world was the sound of laughter. He loved it more than anything else because it was like music to his ears.
  • The giggles of his family watching a funny movie. The chuckles from friends telling jokes. Eric believed laughter was the best sound.
  • He liked to say that laughter was the one sound everyone could make and enjoy, no matter where they were from.
  • Eric also loved the sound of laughter because it made people happy, and making people happy made him happy too.
  • Sometimes, he would even record the laughter of his loved ones to listen to when he needed a smile.
  • Eric thought laughter was magical. It could turn a bad day into a good one with the sound of chuckling and giggling.

Interesting Facts About

  •  Eric Justen could hear a sound once and remember it forever, like a superpower for his ears! He had a huge collection of sound gadgets. It was like a superhero’s tool belt for movie magic with sounds.
  • Sometimes, Eric pretended to be a detective, hunting for the perfect sound in the city or a quiet forest.
  • He loved making animal sounds for movies. His friends nicknamed him “The Animal Whisperer.” Eric could play the piano without looking at the keys. He used his ears to guide him, like a musical ninja.
  • He always wore funny socks in the sound studio, believing they brought good luck and great sounds. Eric dreamed of a concert using only everyday sounds.
  • He wanted creaking doors and clanging pots. He wanted to show everyone the magic in ordinary sounds.


Did Eric Justen have a favorite sound?

Yes, Eric’s favorite sound was laughter. It was music to his ears and made everyone happy.

How tall was Eric Justen?

Eric was pretty tall, but not as tall as the tallest slide at the playground.

What did Eric like to do for fun?

Eric loved collecting sounds from around him. He enjoyed playing the guitar and piano, watching movies with his family, and exploring nature for new sounds.

Was Eric famous?

Yes, Eric was famous for making movie and TV sounds super cool. Our ears enjoyed the magic he created.

What happened to Eric Justen?
He died of a heart attack at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) while on his way to his grandmother’s 100th birthday. The “Elementary” episode “Folie à Deux”, which was the first of season 5, was dedicated to him. The end credits read “In Memory of Our Friend Eric Justen”.


Eric Justen was a superhero of sound. His magic made our favorite movies and TV shows more exciting. He was a big kid at heart, loving laughter, music, and adventures in nature. Eric showed us how every noise, from a bird’s tweet to a door’s creak, can tell a special story.

Though we can’t hear new sounds from him, his work still makes us smile. It tunes our ears to the surrounding environment. Eric’s journey teaches us to find joy in the little things and to keep dreaming big, like he did. He radiated an aura of magic, imbuing every place with wonder.


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